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Construction Trades Resource Fair

20 Nov Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments

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The City of Detroit has several multi-million dollar construction projects scheduled over the next several years, many with numerous job opportunities for Detroit residents.  But qualified workers are scarce, even with recruitment efforts, minority participation remains very low. The Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church (TMBC) Community Workforce Coalition is a collaborative of trade unions, business owners, colleges, corporations and community based organizations that represent a joint effort of community and faith to fill the void in the construction trades industry.


The TMBC coalition is collaborating with UAW-Ford and Henry Ford College to bring a comprehensive training and resource program designed to prepare Detroit job seeking residents for career opportunities in construction trades. The Construction Trades Resource Fair is the first component of a multi-phase program identifying and removing educational, social & legal barriers such as criminal record expungement, drug and alcohol abuse. Also featured at this event, dual enrollment and industry sponsored programs by Henry Ford College and the UAW-Ford 4G Certification program and testing with the American Welding Society.


The Construction Trades Resource Fair is open to the general public as a “warrant-free zone”, additional phases of the program are set to run over the next several months. Ongoing events will offer training in soft skills and work place readiness skills culminating into career opportunities.

Our Partners


TMBC Community Workforce Coalition Members

 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church | UAW Ford | Henry Ford College
Ben Washington & Son | DAW Consulting, LLC. | Henry Ford Health Systems | L.S. Brinker | MUST Construction Careers |  DTE Energy | FARM (Family Assistance for Renaissance Men) | MCA Detroit | Deritage – The Diggs Group | SER Metro Detroit BCO | Goodwill Industries | Lakeshore Legal
Keller & Avadenka PC