Psalm 139:7-12
Sermon by Pastor Nathan Johnson, 3/2/2025
Our God is Present
In a world filled with uncertainty and constant change, there’s an immutable truth that can anchor our souls: Our God is present. This simple yet profound statement carries within it the power to transform our perspective on life’s challenges and triumphs alike.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on the magnitude of this truth. We’re not talking about just any deity or cosmic force – we’re speaking of Jehovah, the self-existing One. No one and nothing caused Him to be, and consequently, no one and nothing can cause Him not to be. This is the God who was before time and will be after time ceases. He is perfect, complete within Himself, needing no amendments or additions. As the Psalmist beautifully puts it, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).
But what does it truly mean for God to be present? It goes far beyond mere existence. To be present is to be aware, active, and available. Our God is acutely aware of every aspect of our lives – from the grandest mountains to the tiniest molehills, from bustling highways to quiet back alleys. He is cognizant of every place, plan, person, pain, pleasure, and problem. Nothing escapes His notice.
Moreover, God is active even when we fail to acknowledge Him. He orders the seasons, causes the sun to rise and set, makes the wind blow, and keeps the stars in their celestial dance. He sends sunshine and rain, regulates our bodies, and provides protection we often take for granted. How often do we pause to thank Him for these constant, life-sustaining actions?
Perhaps most comfortingly, our God is always available. He doesn’t discriminate based on wealth, education, moral standing, or appearance. Whether you’re on the east side or the west side, in the city or the country, God is there. He’s available in our homes, in government buildings, in schools, and even in prisons. There is no place beyond His reach.
The Psalmist David beautifully captures this omnipresence in Psalm 139:7-12. He asks, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” The answer, of course, is nowhere. If we ascend to the heavens or descend to the depths, if we ride on the wings of the dawn or settle on the far side of the sea, God is there. His hand will guide us, and His strength will support us.
This truth should bring immense comfort to believers. No matter where life takes us, we are never alone. God is here, there, and everywhere. He’s present in Asia and Africa, North America and South America, Antarctica and Europe, Australia and every point in between. He’s present in good times and bad, in moments of blessing and seasons of bereavement.
Throughout history, we see evidence of God’s presence. He was there in Bethlehem, when a baby was born to a virgin and laid in a manger. He was present in Nazareth, in Joseph’s carpenter shop. He was there at the Sea of Galilee when a storm threatened to overwhelm a small boat. He was in Bethany when Lazarus was called forth from the grave, and in Jerusalem when Jesus rode in on a donkey. Most significantly, He was present on a hill called Calvary, where the greatest act of love in history took place. But God’s presence isn’t just a historical fact – it’s a present reality. He’s with us in our daily lives, walking and talking with us, guiding our steps and holding us up when we’re weak. When burdens become too heavy, and we can barely put one foot in front of the other, it’s His strength that empowers us to keep moving forward.
In a world where friends may betray us, where job security is uncertain, and where health can fail without warning, we have an unshakeable foundation: Our God is present. No virus, no political upheaval, no personal crisis can separate us from His presence. However, it’s crucial to understand that the comfort of God’s presence is most fully experienced by those who know Him personally. This isn’t just about knowing facts about God, but about having a relationship with Him. For believers, God’s omnipresence isn’t a cause for anxiety but for peace, because we’re in a covenant relationship secured by His everlasting love.
This love isn’t a fleeting emotion or a conditional affection. It’s a love that seeks the best for its object, a love with no cancellation clause or expiration date. And the beautiful thing is, God offers this love to every human being.
In these uncertain times, there’s no greater security than a relationship with the omnipresent God. The only way to enter this relationship is through Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son. By accepting Christ’s death as the full payment for our sins, we bridge the gap that separates us from God. We come as we are, without trying to fix ourselves first, claiming Jesus as our Savior and surrendering control of our lives to Him.
Whether we acknowledge Him or not, we will all have to deal with God’s presence eventually. The question is, will we face it as those who belong to Him, or as those who stand outside His family? As we go about our daily lives, let’s carry this truth with us: Our God is present. He’s aware of our struggles, active in our circumstances, and available whenever we call on Him. In every moment, in every place, He is there. May this knowledge bring us comfort, courage, and an unshakeable peace, no matter what challenges we face.