February 2, 2025 | Pastor Nathan Johnson

In a world filled with idols and false gods, it’s easy to lose sight of the true nature of the Divine. But when we take a moment to reflect on the attributes of the one true God, we’re reminded of His unparalleled majesty and grace. Let’s embark on a journey to rediscover the awe-inspiring qualities of our Creator.
The God of Unmatched Greatness
Our God is the ultimate Creator. He made the world and everything in it—from the vast expanse of the universe to the tiniest particles that make up our being. When we look at the stars, hear the rolling thunder, or feel the gentle breeze, we’re witnessing the handiwork of the Almighty. As the beloved hymn goes, “Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works Thy hands have made…”
But God’s greatness extends far beyond His creation. He existed before time, space, and matter. Nothing He made contains or controls Him. He’s greater than any problem, plan, or person. Every potentate, prince, and president is lesser than He is. The Psalmist reminds us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
The God of Unquestionable Goodness
Our God is not just a provider; He is the Provider. He supplies life, breath, and all things to every living being. Unlike the false gods of ancient times or the idols of our modern world, our God needs absolutely nothing from us. He is completely self-sufficient.
This truth should revolutionize how we approach our relationship with God. We don’t serve Him to help Him out or because He needs us. We serve Him out of gratitude, love, and as a response to His goodness. He doesn’t need our permission or help to bless us or take care of us. He can do it all by Himself.
Remember, it’s God who gives us the air we breathe, the food we eat, the roof over our heads, and the clothes on our backs. Even our ability to work and earn a living comes from Him. As Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
The God of Unimpeachable Governance
Our God is the ultimate Ruler. He created all nations from one man and determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. This truth challenges any notion of racial superiority or ethnic prejudice. We are all part of one human race, created in God’s image.
God’s sovereignty extends to the rise and fall of nations. He alone determines how long each nation exists. This should give us peace in turbulent times and remind us that our ultimate citizenship is in His eternal kingdom.
The image of God in us creates what we might call a “God pull”—an innate longing for our Creator. No achievement, association, or earthly involvement can satisfy this deep-seated need for God. Only a relationship with Him can fill the God-shaped void in our hearts.
The God of Undeserved Grace
Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of our God is His undeserved grace. This grace is evident in His patience with us, the privilege of repentance He offers, and the pardon He freely gives.
God’s patience is truly remarkable. How many times has He “winked” at our ignorance and disobedience, giving us another chance when we deserved judgment? His grace is also seen in the opportunity He gives us to repent – to turn around and face Him instead of continuing on our destructive paths.
But the ultimate display of God’s grace is in His pardon. When we turn to Him, He doesn’t just overlook our sins—He completely removes them. As Psalm 103:12 beautifully puts it, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
This grace was demonstrated most powerfully on the cross of Calvary. God would rather save us than judge us, deliver us than doom us to hell, give us eternal life than have us suffer eternal death. That’s the essence of grace – unmerited favor lavished upon the undeserving.
As the old hymn says, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.” This grace is what sets our God apart from all others. He looks beyond our faults and sees our needs.
Reflecting on These Truths
As we ponder these attributes of our God—His unmatched greatness, unquestionable goodness, unimpeachable governance, and undeserved grace—how should we respond?
First, let’s cultivate a sense of awe and wonder. When was the last time you simply marveled at God’s creation or His works in your life? Take time to “consider all the works His hands have made.”
Second, let’s approach Him with gratitude rather than entitlement. Recognizing that God needs nothing from us but gives us everything should foster a heart of thanksgiving.
Third, let’s find peace in His sovereignty. In a world that often seems chaotic, we can rest in the knowledge that God is in control.
Finally, let’s embrace and extend His grace. Having received such undeserved favor, how can we not show grace to others?
Our God is great, good, in charge, and gracious. He’s the God who created the universe yet cares about the details of our lives. He’s the God who rules over nations yet knows the number of hairs on our heads. He’s the God who is completely self-sufficient yet chooses to love and save us.
This is our God. There is no one like Him. As we go about our days, may we carry this awareness with us, allowing it to shape our thoughts, guide our actions, and fill our hearts with praise. For truly, how great is our God!