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The Gideon Project 2.0

29 Aug Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments

Commit to the Gideon 2.0 Project

Habakkuk 2:2-3a, NKV: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.”

The Vision: Gideon 2.0 – 300 people pledging $2,000 by year end 2025 to achieve a target of $600,000.

  • God laid upon the Pastor’s heart a new vision and path forward to achieve the targeted amount of $600,000 by February 2026.
  • The official name of the new initiative and path forward is Gideon 2.0 “Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed’ (Proverbs 16:3, NLT).

Giving is our response to God’s gift to us.
Giving is the best investment one can make.
Giving should never be forced or grudgingly, but rather voluntary and cheerful, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7, NKJV)
Giving is evidence of faith and an act of trust in God.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we launching this Gideon 2.0 program now?

Five years into the program, we have not realized the funds that were anticipated from the initial program. This restructured program will allow us to get back on track to reach the targeted amount by the Feb 2026 due date.

How will Gideon 2.0 work?

  • 20 Team Captains (Deacons and Trustees will serve as team captains) will form teams of 15 individuals (recruit 14 team members + Team Captain =15). 20 Teams x 15 individuals = 300. An army of 300 individuals marching forward to 2026.
  • Each member commits to contributing $1,000 by year end 2024 & another $1,000 by year end 2025. This commitment is in addition to their tithe, offering, and annual anniversary offering.

What is the Role of the Team Captain?

  • Recruit as many committed donors as possible (Goal: 15 members for each team) to give $1,000 by 12/31/2024; and another $1,000 by12/31/2025.
  • Report status of donor contributions to the Church Financial Office each month.
  • Maintain communication with recruited donors. Keep donors informed of the team progress as well as the overall progress of the church project.
  • Participate in Monthly Captain meetings.

I’ve already committed and pledged to the Gideon Project in 2019. How is this different?

  • We are grateful for those who committed in 2019.
  • This is a new commitment because of the current need.
  • Five years into the program, we have not achieved the level of funding anticipated from the initial pledgees.

Will the current Gideon project that I pledged to in 2019 remain in process?

Yes, members who committed in 2019 to pay $ 36.00/month for seven years and are not joining a Gideon 2.0 team will continue paying their monthly pledge.

I have completed my giving commitment to the pledge I made to the Gideon project in 2019.

We are so thankful for your stewardship and pray you’ll be led by the Lord to participate in the Gideon 2.0 project.

Will current Gideon project pledgees joining a Gideon 2.0 team be expected to fulfll their initial Gideon project pledge plus the Gideon 2.0 commitment?

No. Your commitment to Gideon 2.0 is needed, appreciated and supersedes the previous commitment.

If I commit to Gideon 2.0, does this nullify my initial 2019 pledge to give $36/month for seven years to the end of January 1, 2026?

It is up to you. If you commit to the $2,000 by year end 2025, we are grateful.

I give regularly to Debt Retirement in the green envelope. Is this over and above that?

Yes, you may continue to give to Debt Retirement. The mortgage still needs to be retired. The Gideon Fund is for a special balloon one-time payment that is coming due in Feb 2026. This amount will not retire the mortgage debt.

How may I join a Gideon 2.0 team?

One of the team captains may approach you and ask for your commitment to a team. If not, contact any Deacon or Trustee or call the church office and you will gladly be assigned to a team.

Prepared by Tommye Hinton Roberts and Gideon 2.0 Committee – latest revision 08/24/2024